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FAQ - Design

  • Can airdome be produced with any shape?

    The airdome can be designed to recreate various shapes, both in terms of the anchoring contour and the body of the roof itself, but it is the internal air pressure and the stability to external stresses that impose certain insuperable constraints.

  • Can the CoverHat airdome be integrated to existing buildings, installed on buildings or have rigid supports?

    The airdome can be used independently, connected to an existing building or to have rigid integral elements to meet particular needs.

  • Can windows or glazing be integrated into airdome structure?

    a)           CoverHat airdome can be equipped with windows for visibility and transparency to and from the inside. Windows are a delicate accessories that must be carefully sized and whose management requires particular care.

  • What determines good design?

    A correct design defines the right operating pressures, the resistance check of the membrane used for manufacturing, the right sizing of the accessories that contribute to the functioning of the system and last, but not least, the sizing of a suitable anchoring system to the ground.

  • With what criteria are CoverHat airdome designed?

    The temporary or permanent use determines the amount of external loads, such as wind and snow, considered for the design. Thanks to the lightness of the covering membrane, the effect of the earthquake does not cause any impact so it is not taken into consideration.